For a motorcycle enthusiast, there is nothing quite like watching the world fly by while cruising on a beautiful bike. This perk just happens to be one of the many benefits of owning a motorcycle. Likewise, there are many who would disagree with this sentiment; some would claim that the risks of riding on open roadways alongside cars are far too great. Whether it is breezing through Tennessee’s mesmerizing valleys or strolling through rush hour traffic, it is clear that motorcycle accidents are just as prominent as ever before.
A 2016 article from Thrillest shows favor toward 2-wheeled travelling, even going as far as to say that riding a motorcycle can make one a stronger driver. Despite the fact that motorcycles are 38 times more dangerous to operate than cars, Thrillest adds that they also require closer attention and skill. Operating a standard car or truck may not force one to become aware of all potential dangers, whereas riding a motorcycle helps train cyclists to quickly scrutinize safety hazards. Reflexes are another major factor involved: with situational awareness, motorcyclists must maintain keen senses and critical thinking skills. A car can more easily dodge a piece of debris in the road, but motorcycles do not handle such severe turns as well. Strengthening awareness of blind spots and other surroundings is also an added bonus.
No matter how careful motorcyclists may be on the road, external hazards can be part of any road trip. Ride Apart, a hub for motorcycle news and information, showcases some of the most common injuries from motorcycle accidents. The resource draws statistical data from various reputable organizations to show that, between 2001 and 2008, 1,222,000 people in the U.S. required emergency room treatment as a result of motorcycle crashes. 30 percent of non-fatal injuries dealt with the legs and feet, while 22 percent occurred to the head and neck. There is no single answer to the issue of motorcycle dangers, but knowing common safety procedures and accidents could potentially save a life.