Many motorists in Tennessee have false impressions about motorcycle riders that can lead them to make mistakes that endanger themselves and other drivers. According to the Insurance Information Institute, motor vehicle collisions involving motorcycles were the cause of 4,976 fatalities in 2015. 

Some individuals do not consider how fragile their bodies are until they are lying on the side of the road after falling or being thrown from their bikes in a collision. The risk of serious injury is all too real and avoidable in most cases. Here is a brief overview on how a few myths can impact overall road safety. 

Helmets are not necessary 

Many motorcyclists do not believe helmet use is necessary. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Highway Loss Data Institute, many states have laws making it illegal for individuals to ride without them. However, many people choose to ride their motorcycles without them. 

The bigger the bike, the better the ride 

Big motorcycles may seem cool. But novice bikers may have trouble handling them because of their inexperience and the sheer weight of their vehicles. Bigger motorcycles also have more power and can be significantly harder for riders to operate. 

Drivers can see them 

Unlike cars, SUVs and trucks, motorcycles are relatively small. They take up much less space on the road and are harder to see. Drivers do not always know when there are motorcyclists riding in the back and on the side of them. Even though their mirrors are adjusted perfectly, and they are following all traffic rules and laws, riders sometimes position themselves in the blind spots of other drivers. 

When it comes to operating a vehicle, especially a motorcycle, it is important for you to know the difference between fact and fiction. Some myths may sound like they make sense. But they may go against the rules of traffic and compromise the safety of all motorists.