Defective protects can become a huge hazard in your home. For example, a device like a pressure cooker with loose latches or no way to release pressure in an emergency could explode and cause harm. A coffee pot that doesn’t regulate itself correctly could spray hot water or coffee on those around it.

In any situation where a defective product is present, it’s necessary to take steps to eliminate the risk to consumers. Most commonly, this comes in the form of a recall. Recalls may be voluntary or not, but the end result is the same: The products are no longer sold if they are dangerous.

What should you do if you believe you have a defective product?

The first thing to do is to make sure you did everything correctly when you set up the product. For example, if you were supposed to remove safety tape or papers and failed to do so, the product might not work correctly.

Next, read the manual to guarantee that you’re using the product as it was designed to be used. If you don’t, you could hurt yourself despite warnings in the materials or tips on how to avoid injury.

If you find that you’ve done everything correctly, but you’re still struggling with the device getting too hot, sparking or causing other problems, you should report it. You can report the defective device to the store where you purchased it, directly to the manufacturer, to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in some cases and to your attorney for further help with your defective product case.