Tennessee residents have likely heard about the town in Texas that lost four veterans to a train crash last week. The crash is under investigation, however, officials have declared the train’s safety and warning signals to have been working and on when the parade float was crossing into the path of the train. This terrible accident has come at a time when the community and nation as a whole is remembering the services rendered for our safety and we are perhaps even more somber and grateful as this community grieves the loss of their loved ones.

Automobile accidents in general come as a shock to the families of those involved and can often bring up emotions of pain and confusion. For the people who are affected by this crash, moving forward is undoubtedly going to be difficult and painful. Of the 26 people aboard the float, four of them passed in the crash and at least 16 sustained different levels of injuries. One man, a 34-year-old sergeant, was able to shove his wife off of the moving float before the train crashed into it.

It’s often these kinds of tragic accidents that leave people feeling unsatisfied and hurt for so long. The recent information given from the investigation reveals that the signals had indeed begun to warn before the train arrived however the speed of the train was substantially fast, roughly 62 miles per hour.

Tennessee residents who have been involved in a similarly life-threatening automobile accident may understand the devastation and pain these kinds of crashes can cause. For those who have survived such accidents, or families of people who were in a fatal car accident, working with an attorney to potentially receive some compensation might help take some of the stress off you. While our thoughts go out to those lost in this and any other accident, knowing how to move forward could help someone begin to heal.

Source: npr.org, “Officials: Vets’ float crossed track after signals,” The Associated Press, Nov. 18, 2012

Secondary Source: cbsnews.com, “Texas community stunned after veterans parade train crash leaves four dead,” Anna Werner, Nov. 16, 2012