It is a nationwide issue, and also one with which most Tennesseans are familiar: texting and driving. Although countless campaigns have circulated in efforts to spread awareness about the dangers of distracted driving, countless drivers succumb to this habit. Unfortunately, some drivers face serious repercussions as a result. What is the current outlook on texting and driving in America, and will the country ever see change? 

An article from USA Today also asks the aforementioned question, acknowledging that time spent in front of a screen is only increasing for most Americans. However, texting and driving has claimed the lives of thousands, despite the fact that, as shared by USA Today, 87 percent of surveyed Americans agreed that the habit is a dangerous one. Certainly disturbing, this statistic appears to reflect an overwhelming urge to use cellular devices while operating a vehicle, despite the risks. USA Today asks, can the country shake this bad habit? Some experts even trace smart phone addictions back to the ways they can reward the brain through the release of dopamine. Ultimately, the solution could require a process in which drivers learn to rewire their brains in regard to cell phone use.

Wired also weighs in on the dangers of texting and driving, noting that the issue is not simply a generational one. Instead, using a study from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, Wired shows that drivers of all ages are guilty of this type of distracted driving. When it comes to other possible solutions, the answer could be found in the ways phones are engineered altogether. Wired states that a common goal of product designers, researchers and policymakers involves the instilling of limitations with the many uses of technology. For instance, some phones now come with a special “driving” mode that helps prevent drivers from becoming distracted. While the solution has sparked much debate, it is clear that there is a major issue regarding cell phone use behind the wheel.