Knoxville is teeming with people at all hours. Whether you do most of your road travel during the daytime or overnight, you can bet you will not feel alone out on the roadways. 

Unfortunately, car accidents happen daily on the roads as well, especially in areas where the traffic clogs. If you have never experienced an accident firsthand, you may not know what to expect in the moment or the aftermath. Understanding what to expect after a crash can help you keep your senses about you when facing a scary and possibly traumatic experience. 

Managing the accident scene 

As soon as you are able after a crash, make sure that everyone else is safe. You may find yourself in a bad spot in the roadway where it is hazardous to remain. Before you move the vehicles out of the way, snap a few pictures of the scene. These photos may become an integral part of the accident investigation, especially if the driver at fault does not take responsibility. After moving the vehicles to safety, make sure you get copies of the other driver’s insurance information and license. 

Calling your insurance company 

Soon after you leave the scene, you ought to call your insurance company to report the accident. While this is a crucial step, it is important to know more about the process before you jump right to the phone. 

Your insurance company is your advocate, and if the collision is due to the other driver, your insurer will do what it can to collect. However, part of the claims process is speaking on a recorded line to both your insurance company and the other driver’s. If you have any doubts about what transpired, you may want to speak with an attorney before making that statement. You may report the accident to your insurer but defer the recorded statement until you find a representative to help. 

The damages suffered by you and your property may add up quickly. Going through the insurance claims process with an ally can help.