The National Safety Council collects data of all kinds about motor vehicle crashes as does the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security. 

In general, traffic fatalities and injuries were down slightly in 2019 but motorists must be alert to the possibility of crashes including angle collisions. 

Across the nation 

The National Safety Council estimates that in 2019 there were 38,800 vehicle crash fatalities across the nation, which was down 4% from 2017. The NSC estimated “medically consulted” injuries from vehicle crashes in 2019 at 4,423,000. While this seems a high number, it is a decrease in traffic-related injuries from the year before. 

Closer to home 

In-state traffic crash information from the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security shows that there were 1,162 fatalities related to vehicle crashes in 2019. That same year, the Department also lists 5,555 “suspected” serious injuries and 25,412 non-serious injuries resulting from traffic accidents. 

Types of crashes 

Angle collisions are responsible for the most traffic fatalities across the country, representing 7,400 in 2018. An angle collision is similar to a side-impact collision except that both vehicles involved are traveling in the same direction and collide, or one vehicle runs into a stationary object, like a guardrail, at an angle. In terms of traffic deaths, head-on collisions take a close second to angle collisions, followed by rear-end and side-swipe crashes. 

Common crash injuries 

As the NSC data shows, many crash-related injuries are not serious and consist primarily of bumps and bruises. On the other hand, even a low speed rear-end collision can cause debilitating, sometimes life-changing injuries. Serious car crash injuries include traumatic brain injury, spinal injuries and internal bleeding, which, if not treated promptly, could result in death. Victims of angle collisions often suffer broken ribs, a painful injury that may take weeks to heal. 

A look ahead 

Motorists must remain alert at all times, especially at intersections and in heavy traffic where incidents like angle and head-on collisions are prone to happen. It is always advisable to seek prompt medical attention following any kind of crash. A doctor’s report with a diagnosis and treatment information is essential when the time comes to file a claim for insurance compensation.