Even with the current national health crisis, people are still taking to the roadways in Tennessee and across the United States. There are fundamentals that people should adhere to so they can be safe as they go back and forth. That includes paying attention to the road, driving sober, wearing a seatbelt and adhering to speed limits. Unfortunately, many people do not follow these safety requirements and place themselves and others in jeopardy. Those who have been injured or lost a loved one in a collision should be cognizant of the necessary steps to receiving compensation in a legal filing.

Auto accident deaths in Tennessee in 2020 ahead of the 2019 pace

Statistically, there has been a troubling rise in road fatalities across the state. This, combined with holiday travel, can be a challenge even if it is slightly reduced by the pandemic. According to the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security, the most recent numbers show there have been 1,073 deaths on state roads thus far in 2020. This is 79 more than there were at the same time in 2019.

As the holiday season approaches, people are still planning to drive even with restrictions and warnings from legislators and agencies. One in three people say they are going to drive 500 miles during Thanksgiving week. Pedestrians have been particularly vulnerable with 28 more fatalities in the state from 131 to 159. On a positive note, teens and people 65 and older have had a reduction in traffic deaths.

Medical costs, lost income and other problems may accompany an auto accident

When combining inherent road risks with the holiday season in which traffic will likely be heavy, crashes with injuries and fatalities can happen. Those who are injured may incur major medical costs, problems getting back to work, long-term damage and personal, emotional and financial obstacles. When there is a fatality, the situation will undoubtedly be more complicated. To recover compensation, it is imperative to gather evidence and determine the cause of the accident. A firm with experience in motor vehicle accidents may be of assistance when considering a claim.