While most people are well aware of Tennessee’s laws on drinking and driving, motorists in Knoxville and across the state continue to climb behind the wheel while intoxicated. Alcohol can affect a driver’s ability to respond to certain situations, and can cause motorists to lose their inhibitions, coordination and sense of judgement. The results can be devastating for people who are involved in a drunk driving car accident.
A 26-year-old Morristown man was found responsible for causing a catastrophic accident while drunk. The passengers of the vehicle, as well as their families, have experienced first-hand the tragic consequences of drinking and driving. Not only was the driver of the vehicle intoxicated at the time of the incident, but he was traveling 52 mph over the posted speed limit. One passenger in the vehicle died from injuries sustained in the accident, while the other two passengers survived with serious injuries.
A year after the incident occurred, the driver was charged with involuntary manslaughter, and entered in a plea of guilty. Since then, he has been convicted of the charge and has been sentenced to spend three years in prison. Once the man has served his prison sentence, he will be put on probation for an additional three years.
When people make poor decisions, they put the lives of others in danger. People who have been seriously injured or who have lost a loved one as a result of another person’s negligent actions may want to speak to a personal injury attorney in Tennessee regarding their legal rights and options.
Source: The Daily Times, “Fatal crash in Smokies nets driver prison sentence,” May 4, 2016.