It is no surprise that faster cars are more likely to become involved in an auto accident than vehicles that are traveling at a slower rate of speed. Speeding vehicles require a longer distance to stop, which can make it difficult for drivers to respond to slowing traffic, objects in the road, bad weather conditions and other drivers’ behavior, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. As a driver in Knoxville, you know that speeding motorists are not uncommon on state roadways. When you’re involved in an auto accident caused by someone who is violating the speed limit, however, the results can be devastating.

According to the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety, speeding vehicles contributed to 29 percent of car accident fatalities, or 9,613 deaths nationwide in 2013. In addition, more deaths occurred on small roads as opposed to freeways and interstates.

A study reported by Vox News reported that you have a 15 percent chance of survival if hit by a vehicle traveling at a speed of 40 mph or greater. That survival rate goes up to 95 percent if you are struck by a vehicle going between 20 and 30 mph. This is due to the fact that speeding cars carry more kinetic energy, and that energy is displaced into the other vehicle and its occupants in a collision.

Despite set speed limits and regulations, vehicles continue to travel fast and endanger the lives of everyone on the road. The danger becomes substantially greater when high speeds are combined with driver distractions, fatigue, alcohol-use or bad weather conditions. Speeding drivers simply don’t have the time to assess the situation, and respond in a way that may help to save lives. As a result, you may have been injured or lost a loved one in a collision caused by a negligent driver.

This information is intended to education and should not be taken as legal advice.